Great news!! We are Moving to New Farm Premises from the 1st June - Drove Farm Vets Ltd, The Upper Court Yard, The Old Dairy, Badbury, Swindon, SN4 0EU

Lambing Course

Drove Farm Vet’s Lambing Course is designed both as a starting point for beginners or as a refresher for experienced farmers. The course involves theory based and practical learning.

Topics covered include the benefits of scanning, pre-lambing vaccinations, stages of labour, care of the newborn lamb and diseases of the ewe and lamb around lambing.

Participants also get hands on lambing experience with our popular lambing simulator, where we simulate different lambing presentations which may be encountered using fresh cadaver specimens.

Lunch is provided.

To register your interest in the next course please Contact Us.

Next course dates

Wednesday 1st December 2021

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