Great news!! We are Moving to New Farm Premises from the 1st June - Drove Farm Vets Ltd, The Upper Court Yard, The Old Dairy, Badbury, Swindon, SN4 0EU

Beef Production in Canada

Yesterday Meg attended a meeting in Avebury run by AHDB about beef production in Canada.

Canadian beef specialist, Bart Lardner, from the University of Saskatchewan.

He discussed what the UK can learn from Canadian suckler systems to improve production and profitability. He covered how the producers overcome the issues of rearing cattle in temperatures as low as 40 degrees in a country that has almost 4 million cows.

Bart also detailed heifer replacement strategies to ensure functional cows are developed for the herd.

AHDB run loads of great events throughout the year, so keep an eye out on the website!

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