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Last Wednesday marked the final of October's DEW Club meetings.
The initial meeting at the Cricklade Club included talks delivered by Ella and Mick Millar.
The presentations focused on calf health, with Ella discussing Vitamin A deficiency and the signs to look out for and Mick reflecting on post morten cases he has seen at Langford.
Wednesday's farm walk was held at Berkeley Farm Dairy and attendees were kindly given a guided tour around the organic milk processing plant.
And because all of that wasn't enough for our DEW Club members Rob Howells a ruminant specialists for Boehringer-Ingelheim Animal Health. He introduced the new Bovalto vaccine and discussed calf pneumonia.
Drove Farm Vets would like to thank everyone that made the meetings successful and hope all the DEW Club members are looking forward to the next farm walk in November!