Great news!! We are Moving to New Farm Premises from the 1st June - Drove Farm Vets Ltd, The Upper Court Yard, The Old Dairy, Badbury, Swindon, SN4 0EU

Calf Rearing Farm Walk

Meg and Emily attended a calf rearing farm walk in Bradford-on-Avon today.

In order to improve welfare and profitability it is vital to ensure that calves have a robust immune system and exposure to infection is as low as possible.

The farm walk covered many of the key topics in protecting calf health including; ventilation, vaccination, colostrum and building design.

It is important to remember the health of your calves reflects the future of your business, so ensuring that your calves have a good start in life is crucial for running a successful business.

if you have any questions about youngstock health please ring the farm office and one of our team will be happy to discuss it with you.

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