Great news!! We are Moving to New Farm Premises from the 1st June - Drove Farm Vets Ltd, The Upper Court Yard, The Old Dairy, Badbury, Swindon, SN4 0EU

Practice Exchange

Last week Ella spent time seeing practice with Scott-Mitchell which is another XL Farm Vets practice in Northumberland. The idea behind the practice exchange was to go to an area of the country where the mix of farm clients was different to our own. Scott-Mitchell are predominately sheep and beef and so Ella spent her time swapping knowledge and ideas.

Ella had the opportunity to learn how to use pelvimetry to assess beef heifer pelvic size to make informed breeding decisions. She also helped a couple of their dairy farms with management plans focusing around Johne's and Selective Dry Cow Therapy

These exchanges enable independent vets within XLVets to share knowledge and improve the service we can give to our clients.

She has come back to the Drove full of enthusiasm and ideas to try and implement.

We’re now looking forward to welcoming the vet from Scott-Mitchell down to us in the near future!

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