24h : 01793 501499
We are now able to offer TBAS visits to cattle farmers across the high risk and edge areas. This free bespoke advice covers practical, cost effective measures to reduce the risks associated with TB to prevent TB incursions in herds that are currently clear, whilst discussing trading options and measures to prevent repeated reinfection for farms that are currently under TB restrictions. Telephone advice is also available for farmers with specific questions about bovine TB and biosecurity.
The project is funded by DEFRA and the EU through the rural development programme for England and we have until the 31st of August 2020 to deliver these visits.
So if you think you might want a visit or further advice please contact the farm office on 01793 501 499.
We will require the following information in order to process your application for a visit:
Please note farmers are allowed one visit and two phone calls. Here is a useful link for further information on the visit structure and what to expect: http://www.tbas.org.uk/what-we-do/.